I'm happy to announce the release of my Billomat API client:
## [BadBill][repo]
BadBill is a simple API client for the [Billomat API][apidocu].
It allows access to all resources the API offers.
For now only `clients` and `invoices` are pure Ruby classes, but all other resources are available trough an easy interface returning Hash-like objects.
My goals for this project:
* Fast and easy access to all resources the API provides
(not all resources are Ruby classes, yet)
* Full documentation.
* Test coverage as best as I can.
* Production-ready (it's for a job project).
I'm sure it may include bugs and it's not ready for all use-cases,
but as this is open-source now I accept all ideas, improvements, bug reports and pull-requests.
Just go to the [Github repository][repo] and start hacking. ;)
Install it via Rubygems:
gem install badbill
Read the documentation online: [BadBill documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/badboy/badbill/master/frames)