As you should already know if you read this blog, I am using [nginx][] as my main http server as well as a reverse proxy for my apps running on node.js or simple ruby.
I'm also running an [etherpad-lite][etherpad] server on [](
Today [@dasjan][] asked me how I configured my server for this setup:
> @badboy_ Sehe gerade du hast dein etherpad-lite hinter nginx.
etherpad-lite at [7e4bba0e]( with the default config (and node.js v0.4.8)
My etherpad is currently running for about 22 days without any problems. I don't really use it myself and have no current statistics on outside usage of [](
Now that [@dasjan][] has mentioned problems on his side I will optimize my monitoring and see if it really runs as smooth as I think.