They say projects are not finished until you write about them.
So here we go.
Last night I was still up and awake at 2 am.
I opened this website and ... BOOM ... bright light in my eyes.
I do like this site's simple colorscheme,
but when everything around you is dark it does kinda burn in your eyes.
So I did what anyone who can't sleep at that hour does:
I went on the internet, looked up how to change colors in CSS and implemented a theme toggle on my website (Look for the sun or moon on the top right!)
There's many articles on this topic, the one I found was
[The simplest CSS variable dark mode theme][theme-switcher] by Luke Lowrey.
My site is a very simple plain ol' HTML & CSS page.
I use [Writ] as the base style and provide just a few things on top in my [style.css].
The colors are now defined like this:
html[data-theme='light'] {
--main-bg-color: white;
--text-color: #111;
--alt-text-color: black;
--code-bg: rgba(0,0,0,.05);;
--border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05);
--link-color: #00e;
--link-color-visited: #60b;
--inline-code: #111;
html[data-theme='dark'] {
--main-bg-color: #111;
--text-color: #b3b3b3;
--alt-text-color: #999999;
--code-bg: #ccc;
--border-color: #414141;
--link-color: #478be6;
--link-color-visited: #c988ff;
--inline-code: #323232;
and then used with `var(--main-bg-color)` further below.
The theme toggle button requires a bit of JavaScript, which I straight out copied from Luke's blogpost (and put into [theme.js]).
var toggle = document.getElementById("theme-toggle");