Organizer of the [otsconf Dortmund](, coach at [OpenTechSchool Dortmund](, contributor to [Redis]( and maintainer of several client libraries.
* [rdb-rs]( - fast and efficient RDB parsing utility, including full documentation on the RDB file format
* [hiredis]( - the minimalistic C client for Redis, as well as wrapper libraries: [hiredis-rb]( ([gem](, [hiredis-node]( ([npm](, [hiredis-py]( ([pypi](
* **Rust for Rubyists** - FrOSCon, RedFrogConf, 24.08.2014 - this was a bit spontaneous and prepared in only one day. Mostly the content from [first experience with Rust](/2014/08/12/first-experience-with-rust/). I also gave this talk two months later at the Barcamp Salzburg (again, totally spontaneous to fill a gap in the schedule). ([Slides](, [PDF](
* **Introduction to Redis** - OpenTechSchool Dortmund, 16.12.2014 - these slides are actually extracted from the _real slides_, which were built in []( ([Slides](