I started off with my talk *Rust from the Back to the Front*, giving an overview of the ecosystem around all things related to web programming in Rust.
This was an updated talk of the one I gave in Budapest last year ([video online](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9sTIi7wFPo)).
I had some technical difficulties this time in the beginning (yeah, computers…), but otherwise the talk went well.
People showed interest in the presented topics.
Sadly I only briefly touched the new way of doing asynchronous I/O using [futures](https://github.com/alexcrichton/futures-rs) and [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs).
I definitely need to look deeper into this topic, as I think it can bring huge improvements to existing web frameworks and libraries as well.
This has to wait a bit though, as I will first dive deeper into Emscripten (and present that [next week in Cologne](http://rustaceans.cologne/2016/09/05/compile-to-js.html) and in [Pittsburgh in October](http://www.rust-belt-rust.com/)).
My slides are [online][slides] and I will try to collect more [resources in a Gist][resources].