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+layout: post
+title: Releasing Rust projects, the automatic way
+date: 29.03.2016 20:47
+One of the strength of the Rust ecosystem is its package manager [Cargo][] and the package system [crates.io][].
+Pulling in some dependencies is as easy as adding it to your projects' `Cargo.toml` and running `cargo build`.
+Releasing your own project is nearly as easy. Make sure you got everything working, add a version number in your `Cargo.toml` and run `cargo publish`.
+It will package the code and upload it.
+Of course that's not the whole story.
+For a proper release that people will like to use you want to follow some good practices:
+1. Have tests and make sure they are green. Most people already use [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org). The [travis-cargo](https://github.com/huonw/travis-cargo) project makes it easy to test all channels (stable, beta, nightly, maybe a specific version), run documentation tests and upload coverage info and documentation.
+2. Keep a changelog. Your software is not done with the first release. It changes, bugs get fixed, new features get introduced. Keeping a changelog helps users to understand what changed from version to version.
+3. Pick a version number. This is not nearly as easy as it sounds. Your project's version number carries a lot of information. Often more than we'd like. The Rust ecosystem recommends to strictly follow [semver][], but even that has ambiguities and requires a lot of thinking to do the right thing.
+4. Release on the right platforms. Even though [crates.io][] is the package system you want your project in, having a GitHub release is a nice to have. Maybe your project is an application and you want to distributed pre-compiled binaries.
+At the moment a lot of people process each of these steps manually.
+Maybe they have a few scripts lying around that help in reducing the number of errors that can happen.
+All in all there's still to much manual work required.
+It does not have to be that way.
+[Stephan Bönnemann][boennemann] build [semantic-release][] for the npm eco system a while ago.
+It allows for fully automated package publishing by relying on a few conventions and a lot of automatisation.
+I wanted to have a similar thing for the Rust eco system. That's why Jan aka [@neinasaservice][neinasaservice] and I sat down at last year's 32c3 and started hacking on a tool to achieve that.
+It took us a while to get something working, but now I can present to you:
+## [
🚀 semantic-rs 🚀][semantic-rs]
+## What is it?
+[semantic-rs][] gives you fully automatic crate publishing.
+It runs after your tests are finished, analyzes the latest commits, picks out a version number, creates a commit and git tag, creates a release on GitHub and publishes your crate on crates.io.
+All you have to do is follow the [Angular.js commit message conventions][angular], which are really easy.
+Your commit message consists of a type, an optional scope, a subject and an optional body.
+The type should be one of the following:
+* **feat**: A new feature
+* **fix**: A bug fix
+* **docs**: Documentation only changes
+* **style**: White-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc
+* **refactor**: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
+* **perf**: A code change that improves performance
+* **test**: Adding missing tests
+* **chore**: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools/libraries/documentation
+The next version number is decided depending on type of commits since the last release.
+A **feat** will trigger a minor version bump, a **fix** a patch version bump.
+The other types don't cause a release.
+However, should you make a breaking change, you need to document this in the commit message as well.
+Include **BREAKING CHANGE** in the body of the commit message and add information what changed
+and how to change existing code to make it work again (if possible).
+This will then trigger a major version bump.
+## What works?
+The **Happy Path**.
+If everything is configured properly and the tests succeed, semantic-rs will correctly pick a version,
+add changes to a `Changelog.md`, create a release commit, tag it, create a GitHub release and publish on crates.io.
+The [test-project](https://crates.io/crates/test-project) crate is published completely automatically now.
+`semantic-rs` already has some safety features integrated.
+It will only run when the build is on the master branch (or the branch you configure),
+and it will make sure that it only runs once on the build leader (which is always the first job in your build matrix).
+It also waits for the other jobs to finish and succeed before trying to do a release.
+## What's missing?
+In case of problems, semantic-rs will just bail out.
+That might leave you with changes pushed to GitHub, but not published on crates.io (at worst),
+or with no visible changes but no new release (at best).
+We're working hard on making this safer to use with better error reporting.
+Installing `semantic-rs` from source each time your tests run adds significant overhead to the build time, as it must be compiled again and again.
+In the future we will provide binary releases that you can simpy drop into Travis and it will work.
+It's not released on crates.io yet, because we're using a dependency from GitHub. That one should soon be fixed once they push out a release as well.
+Now that we got that out of the way, let's see how to actually use it.
+## How to use it
+Right now usage of `semantic-rs` is not as straight-forward as it can be, we're working on that.
+To run it on Travis you have to follow these manual steps.
+The first job of your build matrix will be used to do the publish, so make sure it is a full build.
+Make it your stable build to be on the safe side.
+Your `.travis.yml` should contain this:
+ - stable
+ - beta
+ - nightly
+Next, install `semantic-rs` on Travis by adding this to your `.travis.yml`:
+ - |
+ cargo install --git https://github.com/semantic-rs/semantic-rs --debug &&
+ export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH &&
+ git config --global user.name semantic-rs &&
+ git config --global user.email semantic@rs
+(This installs `semantic-rs` in debug mode, which is quite a lot faster to compile without significant runtime impact at the moment)
+This will also set a git user and mail address, which will be used to create the git tag.
+You can change this to your own name and email address.
+Now add a [personal access token](https://github.com/settings/tokens) from GitHub.
+It only needs the `public_repo` permission (unless of course your repository is private).
+Add it to your `.travis.yml` encrypted:
+$ travis encrypt GH_TOKEN= --add env.global
+To release on [crates.io][] you need a token as well. Get it [from your account settings](https://crates.io/me) and add it to your `.travis.yml`:
+$ travis encrypt CARGO_TOKEN= --add env.global
+At last make sure `semantic-rs` runs after the tests succeeds. Add this to the `.travis.yml`:
+ - semantic-rs
+Make sure to follow the [AngularJS Git Commit Message Conventions][angular].
+`semantic-rs` will use this convention to decide which should be the next release version.
+See [the full `.travis.yml`](https://github.com/badboy/test-project/blob/34246077dbf375d144f86a01711cbd9e527b11ea/.travis.yml) of our test project.
+## What's next?
+We still have some plans for semantic-rs.
+First we need to make it more safe and easy to integrate into a project's workflow.
+We also want to look into how we can determine more information about a project to assist the developers.
+Ideas we have include running integration tests from the previous version to detect breaking changes
+and statically analyzing code changes to determine their impact. Rust's [RFC 1105](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/1105) already defines the impact certain changes should have. Maybe it is possible to automatically check some of these things.
+We would be happy to hear from you. If semantic-rs breaks or otherwise does not fit into your workflow, let us know. [Open an issue](https://github.com/semantic-rs/semantic-rs/issues/new) to discuss this.
+If you want to use it and have more ideas what is necessary or could be improved, talk to us!
+[semantic-rs]: https://github.com/semantic-rs/semantic-rs
+[semantic-release]: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release
+[boennemann]: https://twitter.com/boennemann
+[neinasaservice]: https://twitter.com/neinasaservice
+[cargo]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo
+[crates.io]: https://crates.io/
+[semver]: http://semver.org/
+[angular]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrDFcIiPjSLDn3EL15IJygNPiHORgU1_OOAqWjiDU5Y/edit?pref=2&pli=1#heading=h.uyo6cb12dt6w