diff --git a/_posts/2017-07-09-how-to-write-a-master-thesis.md b/_posts/2017-07-09-how-to-write-a-master-thesis.md
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+title: "How to write a Master Thesis"
+date: 09 Jul 2017 16:45:00 +0200
+path: /:year/:month/:day/how-to-write-a-master-thesis
+2 years and 7 months ago I wrote [How to not write a Bachelor Thesis][bathesis].
+Back then I just finished my Bachelor Thesis.
+I now finished my Master Thesis as well (with my final talk in less than 2 weeks).
+Its title:
+"Network Function Offloading in Virtualized Environments"
+I am so happy (and proud) that I finally finished it and with it my master study.
+I could go on and again give you the tips I learned over the last 7 months on how to work efficiently and with less frustration on such a project.
+Except I would just repeat what I have said back then for my Bachelor Thesis.
+So instead let me collect some statistics.
+![Contributions to master](https://tmp.fnordig.de/ma/commits.png)
+Contributions to master
+I created the repository for all thesis work just 2 days after my birthday in 2016.
+Back then it should have been a completely different thesis topic, but due to some unexpected difficulties I had to drop the first topic before even beginning and went on to search for another.
+I finally found my topic in the beginning of November, but it took me until the end of that month to finally commit the first few lines of code.
+None of that code ended up in the final application of course.
+My commit frequency was quite different from back in my Bachelor thesis days.
+A lot less night shifts, but still nothing early in the morning.
+![Frequency of commits by time of day](https://tmp.fnordig.de/ma/punchcard.png)
+Frequency of commits by time of day
+My application ended with about 4000 lines of C code, plus another 2000 lines of code in examples, tests and experiments.
+I also wrote some small helper tools in Rust, e.g. [ebpf-disasm](https://github.com/badboy/ebpf-disasm/) and a library and another tool, which I will make public in the next days.
+I only really started writing on 18th of May. That gives me just over 6 weeks for the final text, which I finished on 4th of July and handed in a day later.
+The final _thesis.pdf_ has 73 pages, 56 of those are the actual text (and graphs).
+According to a rough measurement with `wc` that's 25248 words.
+And of course I wasn't home for all of the 8 months of work.
+I was in Norway in March for BoosterConf, and traveled to Amsterdam twice during the last 7 weeks (the time I should have been writing more).
+Now I am done with studying. In 5 weeks I leave Aachen for good.
+The rest of the summer will be filled with catching up with work, so I can leave for an extended holiday trip in September and October.
+And when I am back in the winter, I need to start figuring out what I want to do. And where.
+[bathesis]: /2014/11/15/how-to-not-write-a-bachelor-thesis/