#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 PRODUCTION = { :url => "http://fnordig.de", :log => "/home/badboy/git/fnordig.de/deploy.log" :dest => "/var/www/sites/fnordig.de.test", :source => "/home/badboy/git/fnordig.de/_site" } desc 'Generate page using jekyll' task :generate do sh "jekyll" end desc 'Serve the page on http://localhost:4000' task :serve do sh "jekyll --serve --auto" end namespace :deploy do desc 'Deploy the page on the production machine (executed on production)' task :production do verbose(true) { sh <<-EOF ( date; git reset --hard HEAD && git pull origin master && rake generate && cp -ar #{PRODUCTION[:source]}/* #{PRODUCTION[:dest]} ) &> #{PRODUCTION[:log]} EOF } end end