permalink: "/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/{{ day }}/things-i-read-week-8" title: "Things I read, Week 8" published_date: "2018-02-20 18:10:00 +0100" layout: post.liquid data: route: blog --- This post is part of a [new experiment this year](/2018/01/08/things-i-read-week-2/index.html): Trying to briefly collect articles/posts/code/documentation I read in the past week and add some comments for things I consider important. ### Blog post: [Freedom From the Box]( A transcript of a talk by Sarah Groff Hennigh-Palermo, in which she describes why she really disliked types in programming languages. The talk is obviously strongly worded. She gives 6 reasons why she favors another approach to programming. I disagree with most of her points though, and not only because I'm working in a [language with a lot of types]( I have the feeling that some of her approaches around this are types-just-differently-encoded. She's also advocating for `null`. Nonetheless an interesting read and a different perspective. ### Blog post series: [A Minimal Rust Kernel]( Philipp Oppermann is back with his second edition of "Writing an OS in Rust"[^1]. It's far from finished and goes a slightly different way than the first edition. Gone is writing the assembly to actually boot your OS, instead using an existing bootloader and focusing more on the operting system itself. ### Blog post: [Picking Apart the Crashing iOS String]( [Manish]( dives deep into the latest iOS crash bug involving a unsuspicious looking sequence of [Telugu]( characters. Turns out there are quite a few combinations of characters causing the crash. He didn't find why it's happening though. And if you're on iOS: there's an iOS upgrade available now, install it. --- [^1]: The first version can be found at [](