--- permalink: "/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/{{ day }}/a-lil-advent-of-code" title: "A Lil Advent of Code" published_date: "2024-12-20 20:00:00 +0100" layout: post.liquid data: route: blog excerpt: | I solved the first 3 days worth of puzzles of this year's Advent of Code in Lil, a tiny programming language, part of the Decker project. These are my solutions and brief thoughts on Lil. --- _This post won't include too much explanation. I wanted a place to at least put my code and that's what I have a blog for._ It's December, so everyone is doing [Advent of Code](https://adventofcode.com/). I'm not. Or so I told myself. This week, while on vacation, I had some downtime and played around with [Decker][][^1] and its accompanying programming language [Lil]. Armed with the [tutorial][liltutorial], the [reference card][lilquickref] and the [Lil Terminal][lilt] installed, I set out to learn it and solved three days worth of puzzles from the ongoing Advent of Code 2024[^2]. [Decker]: https://beyondloom.com/decker/ [Lil]: https://beyondloom.com/decker/lil.html [liltutorial]: https://beyondloom.com/decker/learnlil.html [lilquickref]: https://beyondloom.com/decker/lilquickref.html [lilt]: https://beyondloom.com/decker/lilt.html Want to jump ahead? [Day 1](#day1) | [Day 2](#day2) | [Day 3](#day3) | [Thoughts](#thoughts) ## Day 1 On Day 1 you get two lists side-by-side, need to order each one individually, then take the absolute differences and add them up. Part 2 requires you to find the number of times an element shows up in the other list. That can be done in Lil like this: ``` example:"%i %i" parse "\n" split " 3 4 4 3 2 5 1 3 3 9 3 3 " on sort l do extract value orderby value asc from l end on reverse l do extract value orderby index desc from l end on part1 input do sorted:sort @ flip input result:sum each x in (sorted[0] - sorted[1]) mag x end print[result] end on dump name x do print[name] print["," fuse (list "%J") format x] end on part2 input do lists:flip input left:extract value where value > 0 from lists[0] right:extract value where value > 0 from lists[1] counts:each elem in left sum right=elem end result:sum left*counts print[result] end part1[example] part2[example] ``` Example: ``` ; lilt aoc1.lil 11 31 ``` ## Day 2 On Day 2 you have to determine which reports are safe. A report is a line of numbers and if they match some rules it is considered safe. Count those safe ones. And part 2 allows you to make some reports safe by ignoring some results. ``` example:"7 6 4 2 1 1 2 7 8 9 9 7 6 2 1 1 3 2 4 5 8 6 4 4 1 1 3 6 7 9" on spreadcheck elems do prod each elem in -2 window elems diff:mag elem[0]-elem[1] (diff-1) > 0 and (diff-1) < 3 end end on allincr elems do prod each elem in -2 window elems elem[0] < elem[1] end end on alldecr elems do prod each elem in -2 window elems elem[0] > elem[1] end end on reportcheck report do report:on _ elem do "%i" parse elem end @ report (max allincr[report],alldecr[report]) * spreadcheck[report] end on part1 input do reports:on _ line do " " split line end @ "\n" split input result:sum reportcheck @ reports show[result] end on part2 input do reports:on _ line do " " split line end @ "\n" split input result:each report in reports report:on _ elem do "%i" parse elem end @ report valid:(max allincr[report],alldecr[report]) & spreadcheck[report] if valid 1 else max each i in range count report newreport:extract value where !(index=i) from report (max allincr[newreport],alldecr[newreport]) & spreadcheck[newreport] end end end show[sum result] end part1[example] part2[example] ``` Example: ``` ; lilt aoc2.lil 2 4 ``` ## Day 3 I couldn't stop, so I also solved day 3. Day 3 has a garbled string containing some instructions to multiply some numbers. Part 2 has additional instructions that turns on or off those instructions. I opted to iterate the string input and match for the expected patterns. ``` example:"xmul(2,4)%&mul[3,7]!@^do_not_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64]then(mul(11,8)mul(8,5))" example2:"xmul(2,4)&mul[3,7]!^don't()_mul(5,5)+mul(32,64](mul(11,8)undo()?mul(8,5))" on part1 input do f:"mul(%i,%i)" result:sum each i in range count input curinp:i drop input ab:f parse i drop input offset:(count "mul(")+(count "," fuse ab) if curinp[offset]=")" prod ab end end show[result] end on part2 input do f:"mul(%i,%i)" do_:"do()" dont:"don't()" enabled:1 result:sum each i in range count input curinp:i drop input if ((count do_) limit curinp)=do_ enabled:1 end if ((count dont) limit curinp)=dont enabled:0 end if (4 limit curinp)="mul(" ab:f parse curinp offset:(count "mul(")+(count "," fuse ab) if enabled & curinp[offset]=")" prod ab end end end show[result] end part1[example] part2[example2] ``` Run it: ``` ; lilt aoc3.lil 159892596 92626942 ``` ## Thoughts I like Lil. It's small, it's simple and it's surprisingly fast. It also gets the job done. These `name:data` variable assignments threw me off a bit, but I got over that hump. [jq](https://jqlang.github.io/jq/) is a powerful tool to work with JSON, but for the sake of it I can't remember any more of its syntax than the basic `.[]`. Reading and transforming a JSON file using Lil instead felt very intuitive. I opted to write a script I needed to transform some JSON into some other output it was intuitive. This is how you read and parse a JSON file[^3]: ``` json:"%j" parse read["droids.json"] ``` And then you can access the data: ``` extract n:name d:description where name like "Astro.*" from table json.data {"n":("Astromech Droid"),"d":("Astromech droids are a series of versatile utility robots generally used for the maintenance and repair of starships and related technology. These small droids are often equipped with a variety of tool-tipped appendages that are stowed in recessed compartments. The R2 unit is a popular example of an astromech droid.")} ``` Not needing to deal with missing fields or inconsistencies in the format makes it easy to ignore the error cases, something that comes in handy for one-off scripts. Now I need to take a closer look at Decker and how this powerful language can be used with it. --- _Footnotes:_ [^1]: Decker is a "multimedia platform for creating and sharing interactive documents". I have yet to actually do something cool with Decker itself. [^2]: I didn't _know_ I would be doing 3. But I finished Day 1 quickly, Day 2 not long after and Day 3 was done an hour later. I looked at Day 4 and how to solve it was not immediately clear, so I stopped. [^3]: Data from the [`droids` endpoint of the Star Wars Databank](https://starwars-databank-server.vercel.app/api/v1/droids/)