permalink: "/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/{{ day }}/kramdown-test" title: now with code higlighting published_date: "2011-09-02 00:00:00 +0100" layout: post.liquid data: route: blog --- I am a programmer and I like to write code and I like to talk about code. That's why this blog really needs some syntax highlighting for my favorite languages. With [jekyll][] as my static site generator it is easy to enable it. Just get the [kramdown][] library for [markdown]( parsing and [coderay][] for the highlighting. Then enable both in your configuration. This is my current _[_config.yml]( ~~~yaml paginate: 5 permalink: pretty exclude: Rakefile markdown: kramdown kramdown: use_coderay: true coderay: coderay_line_numbers: coderay_tab_width: 2 coderay_css: class ~~~ If you use `coderay_css: class` make sure to include a CSS file on your page (see my [coderay.css](/coderay.css)). Adding syntax-highlighted code in your post now works like this: indent code by 4 spaces even multi-line and define language after code block {:lang="ruby"} {:lang="text"} And now some real highlighting to show it in action: ~~~ruby module CodeRay def about [, 'rocks!'].join(" ") end module_function :about end ~~~ And that's it. [coderay-github]: [coderay]: [jekyll]: [kramdown]: