--- layout: post title: 2014 in many words date: 29.12.2014 15:00 --- ### My year in numbers Important things first: I got about 12 new T-Shirts for my collection (I didn't count them). I had my very first real job interview (I didn't get the job, but had a nice time in [Dublin](https://twitter.com/badboy_/status/458253516981952512)). I traveled about 35000 km in a plane, spread across 8 flights, the longest from San Francisco to Frankfurt. I probably traveled another 5000 km in trains, to and from home to Dortmund, Kamen, Berlin, Hamburg, ... I visited 9 different conferences in 7 different cities across 4 different countries: 1. [FOSDEM](http://fosdem.org) in Brussel, Belgium (February) 2. [eurucamp](http://2014.eurucamp.org/) in Berlin (August) 3. [FrOSCon](https://www.froscon.de/startseite/)/[RedFrogConf](http://ruby.froscon.org/) in Sankt Augustin (August) 4. [reject.js](//fnordig.de/2014/09/18/jsfest-week-2014/) in Berlin (September) 5. [jsconf EU](http://2014.jsconf.eu/) in Berlin (September) 6. [RailsCamp Germany](http://2014.railscamp.de/) in Cologne (September) 7. [The next Web Barcamp][thenextweb] in Salzburg (October) 8. [IETF 91][ietf91] in Honolulu, USA (November) 9. [31c3](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/wiki/Main_Page) in Hamburg (December) I held 3 talks this year, twice the same [Rust talk](//fnordig.de/talks/2014/froscon/rust-for-rubyists/#/), both times spontaneous to fill time, and once a [Redis talk](//fnordig.de/talks/2014/ots/redis-introduction-otsdo-2014-12-16.pdf). I held 3 different workshops, twice for the OTS DO coaching [HTML & CSS](//fnordig.de/2014/04/01/opentechschool-learn-new-things/) and [Javascript](//fnordig.de/2014/05/26/opentechschooljavascript-for-beginners/) and once as part of the Barcamp Salzburg, coaching [Hoodie][]. I published 20 blog posts covering a wide range of topics. I wrote more than 8200 tweets this year, most of them in reply to someone or as part of a longer rage about computers. I posted 36 photos on Instagram and my `~/photos/2014/` directory now contains about 3000 other photos. In total I made 380 countable contributions on GitHub (or 879 if you count private repositories as well) and took part in hundreds of issues. We saw 18 [releases of Redis](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antirez/redis/2.8/00-RELEASENOTES), I was mentioned 4 times in the release notes and became #5 in [the list of committers](https://github.com/antirez/redis/graphs/contributors) (though only 19 commits so far). I sent 120 mails to the Redis mailing list (if I can trust my local mail copy). I learned a new language, Rust, and immediately [released 4 libraries](https://github.com/search?q=user%3Abadboy+rs). For the university, I wrote a 15-page paper, containing about 7500 words. I wrote 6 exams and passed each one. I wrote a 50-page thesis, containing about 21000 words and made 233 code commits across 4 different repositories for the thesis. I finally got my Bachelor in Computer Science after 3 years of studying. I attended 3 different sport tournaments with the Handball team of my university, winning one with my team by accident. For the first time in my life I actually played Beach-Handball, the whole summer long once a week. 2014 was an amazing year for me. ### Thanks All of the above was only possible because I had so many people supporting me, working with me, discussing with me, hosting me, sponsoring me, partying with me or traveling with me. That's why I want to say thanks to all these people. Thanks to the great [Hoodie community][hoodiecommunity], which I am proud to be a part of. Special thanks to [Jan][], [Gregor][], [Ola][] and [Lena][] for the discussions and a few funny hangout sessions. Very special thanks to [Lena][] for hosting the Hoodie Workshop at the Barcamp in Salzburg with me. Thanks to [Hannes][] and [Stephan][] for inviting me to Salzburg. Thanks to the [Open Tech School Dortmund][otsdo] team, [Ola][], [Carsten][], [Leif][] and [Hendrik][]. These are the nicest people, investing their free time to provide awesome talks and workshops for free. They encouraged me to coach at workshops and to finally hold a talk. I know they will keep this going in 2015! Thanks to my employer [rrbone][] and my boss [Dominik][dominikbay] for making it possible for me to learn, to work on what I love, and to sponsor me trips to some of the conferences. Thanks to [Lotte][] for joining Dominik and me on our trip to the US, for telling me quite a bit about beer and, even better, for drinking with me. And thanks to all the people I forgot to mention explicitely, thanks to my friends and fellow students for making lectures less boring, thanks to my family for welcoming me back everytime I head back home. There are already a lot of things planned for 2015, so it will be just as busy as this year. {::options parse_block_html="false" /}
{::options parse_block_html="true" /} [hoodie]: http://hood.ie/ [ola]: https://twitter.com/misprintedtype [jan]: https://twitter.com/janl [gregor]: https://twitter.com/gr2m [lena]: https://twitter.com/lrnrd [stephan]: https://twitter.com/boennemann [hannes]: https://twitter.com/eliias [carsten]: https://twitter.com/dergraf86 [hendrik]: https://twitter.com/dermiddi [leif]: https://twitter.com/rthbrst [lotte]: https://twitter.com/Lotterleben [otsdo]: http://www.opentechschool.org/dortmund/ [rrbone]: https://www.rrbone.net/ [dominikbay]: https://twitter.com/dominikbay [gcx]: http://www.grandcentrix.net/ [ietf91]: http://www.ietf.org/meeting/91 [thenextweb]: https://barcamp-sbg.at/ [hoodiecommunity]: http://hood.ie/community/