extends: post.liquid title: git merge 2013 date: 11 May 2013 18:20:00 +0200 path: /:year/:month/:day/git-merge --- Friday and Saturday I attended [gitmerge][homepage], a free Git user conference in Berlin. Friday was filled with lots of lightning talks with lots of interesting ideas, projects and stories. I tried to collect most of the projects or slides in a [link list on pinboard][linklist]. More info about each project can be found in the git repo from the [userday][]. Saturday was planned as [hackday][]. [@mislav][] wanted to improve [hub][], a wrapper for git. He listed the planned features in [ticket #1][hubplan]. I tried to help with that, but most mentioned issues were a little over my head without ever have looked at the source. After a lot of code reading I could atleast [fix a little bug][pr327] and comment on another issue. To wrap things up, git merge was a nice little conference, showing off interesting projects and ideas and I had a few little talks with nice people. (Oh, and of course visiting Berlin is always nice) [![Scott Chacon](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/th-git-merge-1.jpg)](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/git-merge-1.jpg) [![Vicent Marti](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/th-git-merge-2.jpg)](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/git-merge-2.jpg) [![Aquarium](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/th-git-merge-3.jpg)](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/git-merge-3.jpg) [![food](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/th-git-merge-4.jpg)](//tmp.fnordig.de/gitmerge-2013/git-merge-4.jpg) [linklist]: https://pinboard.in/u:badboy/t:gitmerge/ [hackday]: https://github.com/git-merge/hack-day [userday]: https://github.com/git-merge/user-day [homepage]: http://git-merge.com/ [twitter]: https://twitter.com/badboy_ [hubplan]: https://github.com/git-merge/hack-day/issues/1 [hub]: https://github.com/defunkt/hub [@mislav]: http://twitter.com/mislav [pr327]: https://github.com/defunkt/hub/pull/327