permalink: "/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/{{ day }}/things-i-read-week-7" title: "Things I read, Week 7" published_date: "2018-02-12 12:00:00 +0100" layout: post.liquid data: route: blog --- This post is part of a [new experiment this year](/2018/01/08/things-i-read-week-2/index.html): Trying to briefly collect articles/posts/code/documentation I read in the past week and add some comments for things I consider important. ### Blog post: [A Wee Allocator for WebAssembly]( Nick Fitzgerald wrote [wee_alloc](, a new minimal memory allocator for use with WebAssembly. The current implementation in use for Rust, a [port of dlmalloc]( clocked in at several kilobytes in the final wasm module. This is a bit too much if you want to have small modules. Nick tackled this issue by writing a new allocator and thoroughly explaining its implementation. ### Blog post: [Why I don’t use the Go formatter]( Pote argues for not using `gofmt` for projects with small teams. He wants the developers to make the right decisions on formatting instead of being forced to a sometimes suboptimal formatting by a tool. I'm not sure yet if I agree with his conclusion. Then again I'm not an active user of [rustfmt]( either, because of the - in my opinion - sometimes suboptimal formatting at the moment.