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63 lines
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2024-06-01 16:46:01 +02:00
use io;
use memio;
use strings;
@test fn lex() void = {
const cases: [_](str, []token) = [
("true", [true]),
("false", [false]),
("null", [_null]),
("1234", [1234.0]),
("12.34", [12.34]),
("12.34e5", [12.34e5]),
("12.34E5", [12.34e5]),
("12.34e+5", [12.34e5]),
("12.34e-5", [12.34e-5]),
("12e5", [12.0e5]),
("-1234", [-1234.0]),
(`"hello world"`, ["hello world"]),
(`"\"\\\/\b\f\n\r\t\u0020"`, ["\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t\u0020"]),
("[ null, null ]", [arraystart, _null, comma, _null, arrayend]),
for (let i = 0z; i < len(cases); i += 1) {
const src = strings::toutf8(cases[i].0);
const src = memio::fixed(src);
const lexer = newlexer(&src);
defer close(&lexer);
for (let j = 0z; j < len(cases[i].1); j += 1) {
const want = cases[i].1[j];
const have = lex(&lexer)! as token;
assert(tokeq(want, have));
assert(lex(&lexer) is io::EOF);
fn tokeq(want: token, have: token) bool = {
match (want) {
case _null =>
return have is _null;
case comma =>
return have is comma;
case colon =>
return have is colon;
case arraystart =>
return have is arraystart;
case arrayend =>
return have is arrayend;
case objstart =>
return have is objstart;
case objend =>
return have is objend;
case let b: bool =>
return have as bool == b;
case let f: f64 =>
return have as f64 == f;
case let s: str =>
return have as str == s;