Fork 0

114 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env wish
set active_transform 0
# Remove empty items at the beginning and the end of a list.
proc ltrim {list} {
set first [lsearch -not -exact $list {}]
set last [lsearch -not -exact [lreverse $list] {}]
return [
if {$first == -1} {
} else {
lrange $list $first end-$last
# Trim indentation in multiline quoted text.
proc undent {msg {whitespaceChars " "}} {
set msgLines [split $msg "\n"]
set maxLength [string length $msg]
set regExp [subst -nocommands {([$whitespaceChars]*)[^$whitespaceChars]}]
set indent [
tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[
lmap x $msgLines {
if {[regexp $regExp $x match whitespace]} {
string length $whitespace
} else {
lindex $maxLength
join [ltrim [lmap x $msgLines {string range $x $indent end}]] "\n"
proc oneline {text} {
return [regsub -all \n+ $text " "]
proc wordcount {text} {
set lines [expr [llength [split $text \n]] - 1]
set words [llength [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $text]]
set len [string length $text]
lappend out $lines
lappend out $words
lappend out $len
return $out
proc dedent {text} {
return [undent $text]
proc markdown_quote {text} {
set text [string trim $text]
return [string cat "> " [regsub -all \n $text "\n> "]]
proc identity {text} { return $text }
lappend transforms [list {None} identity]
lappend transforms [list {One line} oneline]
lappend transforms [list {Line/Word/Char} wordcount]
lappend transforms [list {Dedent} dedent]
lappend transforms [list {Markdown Quote} markdown_quote]
wm geometry . 750x650
wm title . "Text Tools"
wm resizable . false false
text .content
text .output
listbox .transform
foreach {elem} $transforms {
.transform insert end [lindex $elem 0]
.transform selection set $active_transform
grid .transform -row 1 -column 1 -rowspan 2
grid .content -row 1 -column 2
grid .output -row 2 -column 2
focus .content
proc update_output {} {
global active_transform
global transforms
set text [.content get 1.0 end]
set tf [lindex $transforms $active_transform]
set out [[lindex $tf 1] $text]
.output replace 1.0 end $out
bind .content <KeyRelease> update_output
bind . <Escape> exit
proc select_transform {args} {
global active_transform
set active_transform [.transform curselection]
bind .transform <Button-1> select_transform