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permalink: /about title: About me layout: simple.liquid data: route: about

26 years old.
Studied Computer Science at RWTH Aachen and UiS in Stavanger, Norway.
Working at Mozilla.
Organizer of RustFest.
Programming a lot of Ruby and Rust.
Speaking about projects and topics I am interested in. See my previous talks.

Alumni positions

Co-Organizer of the Rust User Group Cologne, Co-Organizer of otsconf Dortmund, coach at OpenTechSchool Dortmund, contributor to Redis and maintainer of hiredis and several client libraries.


Current projects

  • Hello, Rust! - Resources, articles, links & example around Rust & WebAssembly
  • semantic-rs - Automatic crate publishing
  • rdb-rs - fast and efficient RDB parsing utility, including full documentation on the RDB file format

Older projects


  • etherpad - real-time collaborative document editing
  • rezepte - a small database of recipes (german)

