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permalink: "/{{ year }}/{{ month }}/{{ day }}/ideas-for-rust-meetups"
title: "Ideas for Rust Meetups"
published_date: "2018-08-08 12:45:00 +0200"
layout: post.liquid
route: blog
Not every meetup follows the same structure. Not every meetup needs to have 75+ attendees.
If you find a room and 3 people, it's a meetup.
LLogiq, organizer of the [Rhein-Main Rust meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Rust-Rhein-Main/),
published a list with some [Ideas for Rust Meetups](https://llogiq.github.io/2018/08/08/meetup-ideas.html).
Here are 2 more:
* RFC Lightning talks - Attendees sign up before the meetup to present one open RFC. Allocate some time to discuss it in more detail afterwards. Rust Cologne had [such a meetup](http://rust.cologne/2017/09/06/lightning-rfcs.html).
* Hack'n'Learn - Open the door, have some desks and let people work on their projects. This works very well for the Berlin Hack'n'Learn. We usually start with a quick introduction round, where everyone also states what they plan to work on. Later that evening people get a couple more minutes to present their results if they want.
Another that [@killercup](https://twitter.com/killercup/status/1027153953174302720) brought up:
* Open Space Meetups - Imagine a bazaar, where you can suggest topics and spontaneously join any discussion you find interesting. Collect topics at the beginning, assign 30 minute slots. Start discussing in small groups. Hop between discussions when you think it's finished. Based on [4 simple principles](https://github.com/Rustaceans/rust-cologne/blob/gh-pages/meetup-orga/Rust%20Cologne%20Open%20Space.pdf).