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# mdbook-toc
A preprocessor for [mdbook][] to add inline Table of Contents support.
[mdbook]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/mdBook
It turns this:
<!-- toc -->
into a Table of Contents based on all top- and second-level headings of the chapter.
## Installation
If you want to use only this preprocessor, install the tool:
cargo install mdbook-toc
Add it as a preprocessor to your `book.toml`:
command = "mdbook-toc"
renderer = ["html"]
Finally, build your book as normal:
mdbook path/to/book
## Configuration
### Custom TOC marker
The default marker is:
<!-- toc -->
If you wish to use a different marker, such as the GitLab marker `[[_TOC_]]`, you must add the following settings to your `book.toml`.
marker = "[[_TOC_]]"
You can also use multi-line markers such as the GitHub marker, which is:
* auto-gen TOC;
Configure the string with a newline:
marker = "* auto-gen TOC;\n{:toc}"
or with multi-line strings:
marker = """* auto-gen TOC;
### Maximum header level
By default the ToC will include headings up to level 4 (`####`).
This can be configured in your `book.toml` as follows:
max-level = 4
## License
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Jan-Erik Rediger <janerik@fnordig.de>